Artist Statement

Artist Statement

I have observed that virtual lives and digital devices are overcoming our analogue human existence and becoming a malignancy on humanity, in response, I create objects that are the opposite of these sleek precise instruments. I make clunky, anthropomorphic objects with craft materials. I wrestle with a range of topics born out of this issue, such as what it means from many religious traditions to be a creation, to have a spirit that exists in a vessel and from those traditions what is the breath of life? What is the meaning of communication and its breakdown? Is the digital distancing our human interaction through convenience or actually fostering this network? I also examine the meaning of being bound together in the human race and the failing of community.

Form, structure, line
System, network, bound
My body in relationship to these bodies

Spirit existing in vessel form; Supreme Being
Embodying my reality, my creation and humor
Making becomes experience

What is authentic?

Malignant, corruptible, curious
Sense, touch, respond, emote and relate
Concept is a consequence of the system of creation
Meaning is reached through process

I am compelled to keep my hands busy. Sculpting fulfills the deep urge that I have to create; to take materials and give voice to my subconscious.