Friday, March 13, 2015

Graduate School and Beyond

Here's the rundown from the last 2 years:

August 2012- Went to Chicago, lived in the ghetto (Pilsen), took train to school (5 miles) 45 minute train ride.

Had one great winter ....
 and one freezing winter (I know I can survive -50˚ windchill).  

Worked really hard, TAed for woodshop all 4 semesters and made some cool and weird things for the shop.  As well as, of course helping students with their projects..
 My first semester I mixed glazes as a tech and learned a lot.  I'm glad for that experience, because I can now teach according to what I learned.


Made some really big work:

 Unfortunately, I had to remake this sculpture twice.  The first time it cracked during the firing.  With better, stronger clay it survived, so, then I had to make a huge crate to ship it to a show in the Indianapolis Art Center.  I drove down with a U-Haul and 2 hired undergrads and brought the work 5 hours to it's destination.  It was too far away to go down again to attend the opening.

Of course, during my time at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, (not to be confused with the Art Institutes) I experimented a lot and spent a ton of time working in my studio.
My studio in the mezzanine at SAIC

I  played around with a few things like this performance I like to call Cardiocacophony.
I made some work that was just weird.
Here is a project where I strung string onto a loom over and over again until it was an inch thick, the finished product is on my website, check it out.  It's titled Point to Point.
I had a few very small studio assistants who will be going on a road trip with me in the near future.

I spearheaded a show at Roxaboxen, with the other ceramic grads in my semester, for a show called From the Ground Up (this gallery has since closed).

 You can see this object being performed at this link:

I had work commit suicide, this was during my graduate show.
I even found some time to look like a supermodel.  All you who thought I'd be an amazing supermodel, here is the proof!
However, the time came to graduate.
 and my work had to travel...

And I did too, with my parents who were kind enough to come pick me up and take me back to LA, but of course I couldn't just let them do that without a little pain :)

But they got me back:
So, next time someone says get on that jackalope, you know what to do.

Anyway, I got back and within a few months I was working at Biola University teaching Digital tools.

Here's what I put in the faculty show.  I made a conglomeration of all my past work.  It has been gnawing on me to try this for a few years now.  Sorry about the bad lighting.

Biola like me so much they hired me to teach ceramics!  

This was a project the first day in my ceramics class this semester, kinda interesting!  Every student made a production line of 13 pieces for the other students to use in a sculpture.

Other than that, a few other things that happened were an ant frenzy!
 A grasshopper said hello!
 I tortured a cookie during Christmas and then....
 I ate him.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Show at PØST, July 2011

Hermatopia (Hermitus)
ceramic, fiber

Link to PØST Show post

OC WEEKLY Post on Corporeal Construct Show, April 2010

Saturday night make plans to visit Santa Ana for the opening of the Corporeal Construct art show - this collection of sculptural and installation pieces aims to show that while we humans may distinguish ourselves with reason, a bigger brain, and opposable thumbs, we remain animals and connected to life within and around us.

I wanna live inside Laura Goble's spherical piece for a while; I think it might be cozy!

After the jump, all the details on where and when you can see the Corporeal Construct show.

The artists in the exhibition include Vicki Barkley, Maria Csepanyi, Laura Goble, Tamara Mason, Dao Nguyen, and Kelly West. They come together to join organic form with construction, exploring the dynamics between human intervention and nature. The primarily three-dimensional pieces have physical presence and inhabit spaces that confront the viewer with references to the body, whether it be that of the viewer's or another's.

"Trophy" by Dao Nguyen
​ The Corporeal Construct show will be at DDR Projects at 712 N. Santiago Street, Santa Ana, CA 92701 from April 17 through May 8. The opening reception takes place from 7-9pm on Saturday, April 17 and viewings over the next three weeks are available by appointment. For information on setting up an appointment to view the show, contact John Geldbach at